An uneasy hiatus ...

Cath on the power tools

The last week was a fairly quiet one on Cracroft Farm. Not only was there heavy rainfall, which substantially impeded progress, but also Cath went up north to Devonport for the best part of the week to do a few shifts at Burnie Hospital and to visit her mum. Pepper and I remained at home for few days and then went up north as well.

It was fairly depressing sitting in the farm cottage all alone while the rain came down outside. I contented myself with sawing lots of pine logs and then burning them. This was very satisfying at first, but the novelty soon wore off!  

The weather in the north of the State wasn’t much better, but on Sunday just before we drove back to the Huon Valley, the sun appeared. This change in the weather allowed us to raid Grandma’s garden for more than a few little “treasures” to bring back to the farm. Luckily we had two cars so the convoy back down south looked a little like a scene from Monty Python’s “Holy Grail”.

Head Knight: Firstly, you must find... another shrubbery! 
Arthur:  Not another shrubbery! 
Head Knight: Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get the two-level effect with a little path running down the middle. 

Part of the shrubbery

In fact we do have the beginnings of nice two-level effect with a little path running down the middle (thanks to Cath’s penchant for archaeological excavation) with a beautiful little magnolia tree at the end of the path. Even the “Knights who say Ni” would be impressed.

Then yesterday, which was a stunning spring day, as if to make up for the slow pace of change over the previous 7 days, we exploded into action. Cath, armed with yet another blue series Bosch power tool – this time a funky little jigsaw – sawed through the back of our kitchen cupboard to allow access for the plumber to change the tap. We followed that up with some serious rock-moving and wall-building using the tractor and finished it off with fetching and unloading a trailer load of beautiful soil for the veggie patch.

Unfortunately, just as I was unloading the last of the soil, I stepped down from the trailer and in an attempt to avoid standing on Pepper I missed my footing and landed solidly on the side of my foot with my ankle in a rolled-over position. The bad news is that it was absolute agony. I felt as though a white-hot knife had been thrust into my leg. As I lay in dirt writhing in agony with Cath poking around my ankle, Pepper had a great time leaping on me and licking me all over the face. The good news is that my ankles are like rubber (old field hockey injuries) and while the pain is excruciating the ankle tends to come right again after a day or two of hobbling. So today I have a heavily swollen ankle and I am limping around trying to cadge sympathy from my wife by looking pathetic. Not only is this a pointless endeavour (emergency doctors tend not be impressed with mere flesh wounds- “’Tis but a scratch!”)  but the injury also means that I am on light duties today. So once again I am experiencing an uneasy hiatus … 


  1. Hahaha, maybe Pepper gave you some sympathy. The Knights however would be pleased! How's the ankle recovery going by the way?


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