Episode IV. A new hope …

It was pretty tense in the car as we rolled off the Spirit of Tasmania I this morning. Cath was prepared for martyrdom and I was feeling desolate at the thought of heading down south alone with Pepper. The cars in front of us were being directed to quarantine one by one, and our spirits dropped perceptibly the nearer we got to the front of the queue. 


Finally it was our turn … miraculously Cath’s G2GPass had been updated overnight so she was listed to isolate at Cracroft Farm as well. There was a surreal moment as we drove off. We were both stunned by this completely unforeseen turn of events. Celebrations began in earnest  when we reached the farm, which included drinking a bottle of Bollinger, perfectly chilled outside in freezing Antarctic weather that had greeted us on arrival (helpful since we don’t have a fridge … along with many other things!).  Subsequently, we heard that snow has closed the Huon highway south of Hobart so luck was again on our side in allowing us to get through!


For the rest of the day we existed on emergency rations consisting of canned tomato soup (Campbells) and pasta (with a simple passata sauce). We did manage to pull off a freshly baked focaccia loaf and that together with just a hint of Talisker single malt made things bearable.


Interestingly, through all of the emotional turmoil of the last few days, not a cross word has been spoken. It took assembling our new flatpack bed to shatter the peace! Good to know that some things never change.


Tomorrow we will walk the boundaries of Cracroft Farm to seek what opportunities await …


  1. I could quarantine there. Looks lovely. Hope you are having a good. 'dos'. XX

  2. Wow, looks beautiful! A toast to your new adventure 🥂🥂

  3. How fabulous that you are together would have also finished the bollie!


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