And so it begins ...

From August 2020, we (Cath, Stan, Pepper the border collie and Gracie the tabby) hope to take up residence at our property near Franklin, Tasmania, and begin the process of making the land productive. We have no experience of being primary producers, hence the title of the blog.

As I write, we are waiting anxiously to hear from the Tasmanian Govt. as to whether or not we will be allowed to travel to Tasmania and isolate on our property for 14 days. Our plan is to drive from Brisbane to Melbourne, take the Spirit of Tasmania to Devonport and drive to the Huon Valley about 40 minutes south of Hobart. Pepper will be with us on this epic journey down through the middle of NSW and Victoria. Covid19 restrictions mean that we have to drive straight through Victoria to the Port of Melbourne, stopping only for fuel.

Hopefully our G2GPass will arrive during the coming week. 


  1. May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields ....


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